I’m still alive.
Figured the least I could do is let you folks know that.
Seems I’ve changed a ton over the last ten years or so that I’ve been blogging.
Wow, ten years, a decade seems like such a crazy long time to keep coming back to the great wide intarwebs and leave my thoughts on a screen for others to read.
Still, this has been a good thing, a ton of fun. So many amazing people have been met along the way, so much about my world and my life has changed. Almost always for the better too.
Here’s the thing…
I’m not going to write here anymore.
I’ll probably write.
There’s a small chance that I’ll start up a new blog under my actual real name.
It’s a small chance.
Tiny really.
But I wanted you kids to know that I’m good and alive and enjoying life.
I’ll also be sure to shoot emails and get in touch with those of you who have bothered shedding the anonymity to let me know who you are. If I start something new you’ll be the first kids to know.
For those of you who are still lurking after all of these years…well…I’ll probably post a link to anything new so you can still find me, no worries.
It’s just that blogging isn’t the catharsis that it used to be for me. I don’t come here anymore to work out my issues. Not that I have them all worked out by any means…I still have my share.
Just that writing it all down as I process it, or as a means of processing them, well…that doesn’t seem to work anymore.
Maybe because I’ve dealt with the big crazy major shit.
Maybe because I just don’t want to deal with what I have left in a public forum.
Probably a little bit of both.
I used to WANT to write, I’d be hanging out with friends when something hilarious would happen and I’d think “man this’d be an awesome entry”
Yeah, that just doesn’t happen anymore. I mean, there is still a high ratio of hijinx to normal in my life…just that I no longer feel compelled to put it down. The audience has changed I guess…hell…I’ve changed.
I’m just not the same man I was a decade ago, and I’d tell you that in this case that’s a good thing…that I’m a better man for everything I’ve learned and shared and done.
Anyway, the end result is that I’m going to move on.
Whatever you folks do, wherever you go…well…I wish you nothing but the best.
Take care.