Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I’m still alive.

Figured the least I could do is let you folks know that.

Seems I’ve changed a ton over the last ten years or so that I’ve been blogging.
Wow, ten years, a decade seems like such a crazy long time to keep coming back to the great wide intarwebs and leave my thoughts on a screen for others to read.
Still, this has been a good thing, a ton of fun. So many amazing people have been met along the way, so much about my world and my life has changed. Almost always for the better too.

Here’s the thing…
I’m not going to write here anymore.

I’ll probably write.

There’s a small chance that I’ll start up a new blog under my actual real name.
It’s a small chance.
Tiny really.

But I wanted you kids to know that I’m good and alive and enjoying life.
I’ll also be sure to shoot emails and get in touch with those of you who have bothered shedding the anonymity to let me know who you are. If I start something new you’ll be the first kids to know.
For those of you who are still lurking after all of these years…well…I’ll probably post a link to anything new so you can still find me, no worries.

It’s just that blogging isn’t the catharsis that it used to be for me. I don’t come here anymore to work out my issues. Not that I have them all worked out by any means…I still have my share.
Just that writing it all down as I process it, or as a means of processing them, well…that doesn’t seem to work anymore.
Maybe because I’ve dealt with the big crazy major shit.
Maybe because I just don’t want to deal with what I have left in a public forum.
Probably a little bit of both.
I used to WANT to write, I’d be hanging out with friends when something hilarious would happen and I’d think “man this’d be an awesome entry”
Yeah, that just doesn’t happen anymore. I mean, there is still a high ratio of hijinx to normal in my life…just that I no longer feel compelled to put it down. The audience has changed I guess…hell…I’ve changed.
I’m just not the same man I was a decade ago, and I’d tell you that in this case that’s a good thing…that I’m a better man for everything I’ve learned and shared and done.
Anyway, the end result is that I’m going to move on.

Whatever you folks do, wherever you go…well…I wish you nothing but the best.

Take care.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011



Director - Joe Wright
Writers - Seth Lochhead and David Farr

Starring - Saoirse Ronan, Cate Blanchett and Eric Bana

A teenage girl trained to hunt, fight, evade, and seek revenge by her ex-CIA father in the wilderness of Finland.
The young Ronan does an outstanding job playing the part of an outsider encountering an entirely new world. She's weird and different, awkward enough...and yet plausible.
The story is new and different, an excellent twist on an old genre.
Cate Blanchett never fails to impress, both in her abilities, and her choice of roles in excellent (if different) films. I'd like to note that I usually love different in this context.
This is no exception.

Hanna is a nonstop thrill ride, with short but excellently crafted fight scenes and chases interspersed with strange situations and great character development scenes.

Rent it, watch it, love it.
I made it my number 2 for the year.

-just missed your heart

Monday, June 27, 2011

Your Highness

Your Highness

Director - David Gordon Green
Writers – Danny McBride and Ben Best

Starring - Danny McBride, Natalie Portman and James Franco

What to say, what to say…
Danny McBride, that’s really all I can put forth here.
Critics have referenced The Princess Bride but outside of the fact that this is a medieval adventure comedy…yeah I don’t see it.

So yes, Danny McBride.
If you don’t like him or his humor, you won’t like this film.
And I’d like to be original, but I can’t come up with anything better than the general consensus that this is what The Princess Bride would have been if William Goldman had been a 14 year old who was high as a kite when he wrote it.
That’s right…awkward dick jokes, and more swearing than most sailors would approve of.
It’s more like a bunch of freshmen hanging out telling ludicrously inappropriate jokes while some dragon adventure takes place in the background than it is a fantastic adventure.

That’s not to say it isn’t funny or quotable…just…yeah.
Watch it on cable, either drunk, high, or with a bunch of friends who are all looking for something stupid and immature…nothing highbrow.
Anti-highbrow actually.
Possible funny time had laughing with friends…but definitely not worth the price of admission.

For those of you who did spend money at the theatre, I apologize for taking so long to write this and warn you.

Sitting squarely at number 8 for the year.

-can do magic

Sunday, June 26, 2011

dreaming big

Motivation from webcomics:
"When even the smallest dream seems impossible, there is little motive to dream any larger. Work towards the small, and the larger will clarify."

That should be a mantra.

So much of what I wanted seemed impossible or completely out of reach. But here lately I've just ignored all the naysayers and the whatifs and decided to just do it.
Kind of like the cult of done.
Or perhaps Nike.
Damn you giant corporations and your catchy slogans.
Still though...yes...
Just do it.

Also, Sam and Fuzzy is pretty funny and a good way to pass a 16 hour shift.
When things are slow.
So not yesterday...yesterday everything was crazy nonstop crazy.
Did I mention crazy?

Back to the point...little dreams, a bunch of them make big dreams. I think they build up like a train gaining steam. With every little project I become more confident that I can do whatever I want.
In fact...
Talking to SweetD a few weeks ago, we were discussing my dream to build a house from scratch by myself...this is so ingrained in what I want, something I've thought about for so long that her question took me a bit by surprise...
"Do you even know how to build a house? I mean...have you ever built one before?"
Have I what now?
Of course I haven't...but that doesn't faze me anymore. I have read, researched, listened, discussed, and learned so much over the past, wow, 8 years...that (coupled with my recent confidence from all of these projects) I KNOW in my heart, there is no doubt, that I am fully capable of building a house.
Sure, I'll need help with the few plumbing and electrical measures I plan on including...but the building? I've got this.
I'm on it.

I think she was equally shocked that I was so certain...that I AM so certain, that I can do it.
Looking back at it, I think I'm shocked that it takes questions like that...and comments here from good friends about the assumed inevitability of these things...to make me truly face my future.
Weird times.

So yes...end of ranting ramble...hope you're having a lovely weekend.

-capable hands

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch

Director – Zach Snyder
Writer – Zach Snyder
Starring – Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens, and Jena Malone

I should warn you that the critics didn’t like this movie at all. They felt suckered possibly…or punched. Neither leaves you happy and those folks definitely weren’t jovial.

Having said that…I very much enjoyed the film.
A bunch even.

The difference is that I didn’t expect any far reaching plot or in depth discoveries about myself as a human being. Let’s look at the constituent parts…

Zach Snyder brought us 300 and Watchmen. Two visually stunning movies…but in both cases the story is already written. 300 is a brutal and heroic tale from history while Watchmen is a morality play of the best sort…but a comic book that left little need for interpretation.
Perhaps Mr Snyder needs to work on his writing, but as for directing he has a talent for the grand and the beautiful. This movie is definitely both of those things, with overwhelming fight scenes that the critics will tell you were unbelievable and over the top.

The story is about an abused girl sent to a mental institution by her greedy stepfather. She escapes to a fantasy world to deal with the horrors of her situation. There is plenty in that setup to allow a viewer to ask for something…anything deep and meaningful. So I can’t really blame the critics when they are disappointed…but honestly…

Emily Browning is a newcomer. I can’t tell you that she did a poor job, but she won’t be nominated for an Oscar either.
Vanessa Hudgens is here not because she’s an action star…but because she’s a pretty face that some of you will recognize.

So what exactly is this film?

This movie is hot chicks battling dragons, robots, orcs, and Nazis…
With crazy explosions, guns, weapons, and lap dances…
Sexy sexy lap dances.
And let me tell you folks…that’s all I expected. Hot chicks, crazy battles, and explosions.
I was not disappointed in the slightest.

I can tell you that I really liked the way they bounced between imagination and reality, that at times it was a little bit confusing but not enough for me to mind. I appreciated that they grabbed you right at the very beginning and threw you straight into the movie. I didn’t like the gimmick they used to actually begin the crazy fight scenes…but eh…I don’t have a good alternative to offer so eh…

Whatever…you know what to expect now. I’m ranking it fairly high, number 4 for the year…but you also know what I was looking for. Keep that in mind.

- fierce as any dragon

Friday, June 24, 2011

part vampire?

Am I invisible? Honestly folks...you'd tell me wouldn't you?
Not that I think I'm always invisible, or even ever completely invisible. It's more like I'm slightly opaque...kinda like frosted glass.
Only I'm not supposed to be, right? That isn't normal.
And you would tell me wouldn't you?
I mean, say we're having a conversation over dinner and you look up at me over that forkfull of delicious pasta you're eating only to find that my entire left arm has disappeared.
You'd say something right?

I ask because I've been having trouble lately remaining substantial enough to be seen.
I mean...I never can catch myself...well...lacking...but I've begun to think that I'll casually look up into the mirror and just not be there...like someone out of a vampire movie.
Weird huh?

Take today for instance...
I'm in the bathroom stall doing my thing.
I know, but bare with me. (couldn't resist)
Really now, we have automatic flushers on the toilets triggered by a motion sensor that sees when you are in the stall and flushes when you leave.
When you leave...this is key.
Just now, it flushed once every 5 or 6 seconds...as if it just couldn't make up it's mind. Is someone standing there peeing? Maybe not. Yes, no, yes, no. The hell? I haven't moved...I'm not rocking back and forth...not bopping to a song, I don't suffer from parkinsons...at least not yet...knock on THAT wood will ya?
So what the hell?
And this isn't the first time dear readers...no. I've had strange run ins with mechanical molesters in the past. There was a door at the old job rigged to recognize when someone walked nearby and unlock so you could push it and leave. The number of times I hit that door like a brick wall and had to back off and wave at the sensor so that it'd see me...I can't even say.
In fact, one time, I stood and waved and nothing...just ignored me. Imagine looking up from your desk to see the funny guy with the pointy hair walking backwards and forwards in front of a door as if he's practicing for the moment he actually wants to leave.
The hell?
Then there are the motion sensors that go off on their own...the office light switch that kicks on before I'm even in the room, or at a spot where it can even register my movement.
How, in the name of all that is holy, does it know I'm going to enter the room before I'm actually in there? How?
Crazy bastard machines making me crazy.

Or maybe I'm just part vampire. Not full vampire mind you...just part, like my mom and dad had some twisted threesome with Count Dracula. Man...that's an image I won't get rid of for a few weeks.

Really though...what's the deal? Any of you have this happen?

-type o negative

Sunday, June 19, 2011



Director – Gore Verbinski
Writer – John Logan

Starring – Johnny Depp and Isla Fisher
An animated comedy poking fun at the Spaghetti Westerns of old, this movie packs a ton of references into a funny little package.

We start with a thespian lizard playing Shakespeare to an audience of none, but his fortunes change and a bit of quick thinking lands him a role as Sheriff of the town of Dirt.
That’s right, Dirt.
Dirt is in the middle of the desert, and as such, water is power.
Power isn’t really what our hero is good at…he’s much better at being self deprecating and afraid…but he does this with excellent comedic timing. Heh.
The real push for me as an adult though…was all of the other references that have been thrown in. Don Quixote, Planet of the Apes, Fear and Loathing, Pirates of the Caribbean…there’s even a cameo by a certain western star, though it’d have been far better if he’d actually done the voice.

On top of the quotes and references…the movie is beautifully animated and hilarious in its own right. Playing the fourth wall is well done here, it doesn't take itself too seriously. I don’t think you’d have been disappointed in spending the price for a ticket…so now that I’ve posted this months late…don’t feel bad about a rental. It is definitely worth the time.

Came in at number 5 for now…though I think it’s kind of a tie with Battle: Los Angeles…really just depends on what you want to see, explosions and aliens or comedic lizard western?

-enjoys a hearty puttanesca

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

4 glasses of wine

And I'm a bit drunk.
I'd say tipsy...but I'm past that stage. Tnough I seem to be typing somewhat decently, so go figure.
Anyway, yes...4 glasses of some sort of Top Chef Pinot Noir, it was delicious by the way, and I'm seeing more than one stove in the kitchen.
There's onlly supposed to be one.

Man I'm hitting the delete key alot. You dont' even know.

Anyway...so I'm in Austin Texas visiting Monkey and her lovely family. I drove up here this afternoon, had a lovely dinner cooked by Monkey and too many glasses of whine to accompany said dinner. Yes, wine...it was delish...did I mention that? perhaps I did...I don't know.
Byt here's the thing...family...especially for little kids...
Do they need it? Grandparents and cousins and whatnot...how important are they? Because I firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child, but I don't know that the village needs be all family and blood relations. In fact, I'd venture to say that those folks hand picked by the parents as good enough to set positive examples for the little ones are far better than blood relations.
Perhaps I'm biased, as Little A (Hotflashin's daughter) is a prime example, and I'm known as Uncle in that family...but honestly...blood relations you have no cchoice with, you take the good with the bad...everyone else...
Everyone else just has to be a badass or else you dump them and refuse to let them around your kid.
But that's just me.

Part of why I want littlesub here is that H has neither family nor an extensive network of friends...it's pretty much just the two of them. I want him to know that there are plenty of people out there that he can depend on, rely on, look up to...

I'm drunk and headed to bed.
Hope you've allhad a fabulous Tuesday night...I know I did. :) hehehe


Friday, June 10, 2011

long weekends

Yesterday was my first day back from a five day weekend.
Five days...no joke.
Then I had what they call a short turn, and it's a double today and tomorrow.
Forty hours in just 3 days. It's a bit insane I know...but by doing the doubles I've managed to whittle myself down to a meager 12 days of work this month. My next weekend is six days long. I don't have a clue what to do with myself.

No, that's not entirely true.
I'll be hanging out with the niece again at the neighborhood pool. Once again the climbing and dunking toy of little kids everywhere. Ha...that was Tuesday...and we had a ton of fun. But yes, a repeat is in my future.
Also, I moved my current homebrew (a Scottish Ale) into the secondary. I'm guessing that I had a stuck fermentation because it started bubbling away again not six hours after being transferred.
Anyway, so this next batch of days will contain soap making as well as sausage making, and possibly...hopefully...a trip to Austin. I am very much looking forward to it.

When I think about the next year and what it has in store, I freak out a little.
All of these projects make me happy, my goal is to by property and do those projects full time...but sometimes the prospect is a little overwhelming. Right now I need to confirm status of littlesub and his visit here this summer. Then I'll be looking into what kind of property is available.
Baby steps.

-freakin' out man

Friday, June 03, 2011

on work and joy

Yesterday as I walked out of the building I passed a coworker on their way in to the office.
She was smiling.
This may seem like no big deal...a happy person...calm down Sub, it's okay if she's happy.
But what struck me is that she isn't the first, that this seems to be a theme. Certainly for those of us who moved over from the other joint, the current gig is so much easier and less stress.
We didn't used to be happy. One of my main focuses as a supervisor previously was to manage expectations and attitudes...to keep people as happy as I could in a stressful crazy overwhelming environment. It was so easy to lose that fight, to watch a scheduler sit with tears in their eyes angrily working as those drops rolled down red cheeks. To listen as expletives suddenly poored forth regarding a change in situation or the unprofessional manner of coworker.
Expletives were just part of life at that place.

Here...here it is quiet, professional, easy...and we get paid more to boot.

It's normal to pass people who are smiling...actually smiling on their way into work. I guess it's kind of like me with my past relationships. I mean, once you've had the worst, everything else is so simple.

Everyone should be happy on their way to work. At the very least, they should not have a frown...or be hanging their heads like a beaten dog on their way in the doors.
That's part of the reason that I'm pursuing the farm thing so fervently. Why it is such a huge part of my thoughts now. You see...I really can't imagine how happy and content I'll be when I finally wake up one morning and all I have to do for the day is take care of my animals, my garden, and do something creative with food or one of my mad scientist experiments. I might actually be too happy the day that happens.
I'll let you know how it goes.

In the meantime...free advice to my friends...
Work shouldn't beat you down and make you miserable. Granted...it may not bring you joy on a daily basis (though this should be the goal) but if you wake up dreading it...find something new. Life is too damned short to be unhappy and miserable 5 days a week.
Now...I have some research to do for that farm...and you should be hunting down your dreams too. Get on it!

-dream hunter

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

must be 18 to enter

It was a very full weekend, very full indeed.
3 days off and a holiday to boot. Excellent!

Friday I worked a night shift.
Saturday, I saw Hangover Part 2. If you liked the first one, see the second one. Yes it is an almost identical plot in the most basic sense, but it’s still hilarious. I’m way behind on the reviews…you’ll be seeing a lot of them over the next two weeks.

Anyway, the real highlight of the film wasn’t the movie, it was the fact that I managed to refrain from choking the hell out of the woman next to me.
Out of control, I know…but allow me to set the scene.

Saturday afternoon on Memorial Day weekend for a relatively popular release…I manage to walk into the theatre right as the previews start...it’s obviously packed. As a result, my seat choice was limited so I picked something on the first row up the stairs. Not as far back as I would have liked, but not front row either. With it as full as it is I moved all the way in and left two seats open on the end of the row. Two or three previews in a woman came and sat down right next to me.
Not rude or a problem right? Nothing really wrong here…why are you so angry Sub? This is what you are asking yes?
You see, her daughter was sitting on the other side of her.
Still confused yes? Not sure why I’d be so angry about a mother and daughter sitting down next to me at an R rated movie. I get it. I do…so I’ll add the final bit of information that should explain everything.
Her daughter was maybe six or seven years old.


I was livid. I really was. It was all I could do not to cuss her sorry ass out of the theatre. Who the hell brings a seven year old to a rated R movie that we all know will be chock full of nudity and foul language.
Perhaps she didn’t realize? Sure…lets give her the benefit of the doubt. Except that, should she have been confused, you’d expect that this poor mother would have been shocked, and immediately left the theatre the first time there was excessive cussing or a naked cock was shown on the screen.
You know…the responsible thing.
Instead, this woman was just laughing and laughing. Yay for horribly scarring your daughter you crazy bitch.

Still mad. Yes, I am.

It isn’t as if Kung Fu Panda 2 didn’t come out the same weekend. There were other far more appropriate options.
Anyway, I kept my mouth shut and didn’t cause a scene. Mostly because I don’t know her and it’s not my business if she wants to be a terrible parent. Had she been family or a friend I’d have torn them a new one.
So yes…excitement of the wrong sort but excitement nonetheless.

Saturday night we got the band back together, and Sunday afternoon was spent at a family lunch with my Uncle and cousins.

Sunday night I hit TQLA in the Washington Corridor area downtown. D-frickin-licious. I had a crawfish spinach enchilada with mushroom sauce and goat cheese. Go eat there. It was awesome. My date loved her meal too. Good times.
Speaking of dates. We had a lot of fun. The conversation was excellent and I’m really comfortable with her. I don’t think we’ll be anything more than make out partners…but I’ve said for a long time that people don’t make out enough…so we can do our small part to fix that. Heh

Then yesterday was dinner with the family. Dad made ribs and brought potato salad, while I provided eggplant, asparagus, and a roasted potato and carrot dish. I have a picture of it, I’ll try and throw that in here tomorrow. Everything was fantastic.
Dad and I finished the evening with rootbeer/whiskey floats.

That is all. I think you have enough to read for today. Go try a rootbeer/whiskey float. Just a little less than a shot of whiskey is enough to provide a pleasant kick without overpowering the rootbeer or ice cream.
Do it.

-fun for all ages

Friday, May 27, 2011

searching for joy

Work is quiet and I’m trying to develop the writing habit again. Let’s see how this goes. The first few hours of the day are an excellent opportunity, as I’m not supposed to be on the net during the workaday 9 to 5 hours…but after is apparently acceptable? Well…assuming that it is quiet and all of upper management is gone for the day.
Anyway, so when it is quiet during the first few hours I’m left twiddling my thumbs…or writing an email, which is what this looks like at the moment.

I’ve decided that I can’t worry or focus on the relationship stuff. Certainly it will be in my mind, and I’ll be dating still…when I can…but it seems that’s most of what I’ve been focusing on lately and that is getting me nowhere.
So, no more stressing, and no more drama. Okay, I’m sure there will be some drama, but we are keeping it to a minimum.

Instead, I’m going to focus on my future, on making decisions and doing what I need to do to be happy.

I want a farm.

No that’s not a joke or a typo. I’m going to be a farmer.
Ever since I moved back to Texas I’ve been drawn to handmade projects. More than anything those involving food. I want to be independent and capable of taking care of myself. Knowing where my food comes from is very important to me. When I make bread, butter, jam…whatever…there is a joy there that is undeniable. It’s silly…I’m well aware, but that joy is what I want every day. Certainly, there will be rough days and hardships. Sometimes everything will go wrong, and I’m okay with that. Because I want all of the good that comes with this decision too.
You can’t possibly understand how happy it made me when Converse called last year asking for advice on how to make jam. Or when Monkey calls asking about a certain dish, because I’m her other amateur chef and she’s hoping I can provide insight.
Maybe if you had seen the smile on my face as I stood in a bedroom doorway watching a young woman dance absentmindedly as she cooked an alfredo sauce for herself…something I taught her…

That same happiness hits me every time I crack open a bottle of cider or beer. It was the same as a group of friends stood around tasting the cheese I made. I can’t wait to delve into the world of charcuterie…of home smoked bacon and cure pancetta…lardo….
Oh man…lardo…

Because here’s the thing…I’m getting excited just writing about this. I’m not going to get rich or famous…but I’m pretty certain that I’ll be over the moon with joy every day. Because this is what makes me happy…so it’s what I need to do.

So yes…a farm.
Some day soon.

-joy in every bite

Friday, May 20, 2011

not so alone afterall

Again...I've been inspired to write.

There was some confusion in my last post, SweetD isn't all that crazy...but I wasn't very clear. That ramble included a number of different women. One of them is all sorts of crazy and shares SweetD's thought that I'm the one who got away. Those of you who've been around a while know exactly who I'm referring to.

Now, the comment that led to this also included a lovely compliment that I very much appreciate.
Here's the thing...I feel pretty damned confident most of the time. I'm in this weird spot where it seems like I can do just about anything I want to, and get just about any woman I set my sights on.
Well, within reason mind you.
But yes, I have moments where I feel like a complete badass...perhaps I'm getting a bit too cocky?
The point is...even while I feel that, there's this nagging doubt that I've fucked it up and I'm going to end up alone. Now...I know that isn't true...that I'll always have family and I am lucky enough to have some very true friends. But unless Lungclam has decided he'd be willing to get naked for me occasionally and spoon maybe once a week or so...I'm not going to have anyone to share my bed with.
Hahaha...that's so dirty.
But yes...alone...not quite alone really...but no one to share my bed with, and I'm a cuddler, I kinda require a sexy warm body in my bed.

Having said that...Anonymous..."Relish the opportunity to experience something new."
That's beautiful. I'll keep it in mind as I move forward. I'll also try and make more opportunities.
For example, I didn't talk about it, but I was a total nerd last weekend. I shot that rocket with the homemade motor mount Saturday morning.
Worked like a charm.
A serious charm.
In fact, it was so good that on the second launch it drifted beyond the edge of the sizable field we were using and got stuck in a very tall pine tree.
The sister felt terrible because she was the one that packed the rocket and set it all up for the second launch. I promised it wasn't her fault and not to worry. I took up rocketry because it costs like $10 to replace the damned thing. No biggie.
Plus...the homemade motor mount was a success. The point of the whole outing was to watch a rocket shoot up high into the sky. That we did. Twice.Woot!

Then on Sunday I made beer. It's called 90 Shilling, and is a semi dark scottish ale that is currently aging in my closet.

So, wrapping up...I'm a confident, almost cocky, nerd who is doing his best to get out and have new adventures. Thank you for the comments, I'll keep the posts coming.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

so much to say

Its been a long week.
Work is going well, the difference at this place is so...umm...different? Ha.
No really though, it's a world away from what I was dealing with.

Funny how the employees that I speak with on a regular basis are all very professional and polite instead of rude and angry. You wouldn't think that two groups of people in the same profession could handle themselves so differently.
No, maybe you can, but I didn't. I hadn't a clue. That's probably why it strikes me like it does. It honestly blows me away how much different these folks are. Really goes to show how much impact can be made by fostering a professional environment and holding folks accountable for their actions.

SweetD and I have been talking. I'm not sure where that is taking us. Apparently there were some miscommunications that lead to our breakup. Some very crazy assumptions were made on her end...well...maybe not crazy, I can see her logic...just can't believe she assumed some of these things without questioning why I'd be THAT much of a dick.
Because I'm not...and I wasn't...and well...those assumptions are how we got to the end of our rope.

That still doesn't put us back together, but this new information means that perhaps our paths weren't as far apart as I previously thought. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws because I'm still afraid of being alone.
I know she feels that way...she called me "the one that got away"
I hate being called that.
No, I don't...I just don't like it.
No, I do...in one case...because she's crazy and I definitely got away and she knows it...which makes me happy every time I think about it.
Boys...don't stick your dick in crazy.
That's solid advice by the way...words to live by. I'm not even joking.

Back to that phrase though...why do I have to be the one that got away? Why can't I just be some other guy that you had a great time with for a while and then our paths separated? Why is it such a sad thing?
Okay...crazy can be sad...but the rest of you?
Seems I'm just spouting off now but there you have it. The topic du jour.

My Uncle is in Paris...seems he is having a fantastic time...I'm a little bit jealous.

Also, littlesub is having issues...so is his mom...don't know what is going on but I can't seem to reach her either...so yeah. Good times.

Okay, I'm out. Back soon I think. We'll see.

-getting away

Monday, May 09, 2011

surgery anyone?

Thank you both for the comments on the last entry.

I agree that hate breeds hate. To take it another step, anger breeds anger, love breeds love.
Also, killing them with kindness never literally works...though it is a nice strategy to employ from time to time.
That guy cutting off people left and right with no signal or regard for those around him is ruining the day for his fellow drivers...and to a lesser extent he is ruining the days of those around them. That cycle will rage on, every person a pebble in a pond with angry ripples emanating from the center.

War is a much larger, violent, extreme version of that analogy. The countless dead and injured, their surviving families...whole regions of the world torn apart.
The ripples much larger,
Time to heal far greater...

I may still believe there is sometimes no other alternative...but I'm starting to wonder how you end them once begun.

Are we spreading democracy in those regions? It certainly seems we are.
Is that our place? In my opinion no. This is just the new "White Man's Burden". The players are different...now not a race issue, but possibly first nation status? And our "responsibility" to teach other nations to emulate us because we are so amazingly awesome.
If Dj is reading this he just started a mental list of all the horrible things going wrong in our two respective countries. War not withstanding.

I was one of the ones who said it was okay to go to war to prevent the deaths of countless thousands of our countrymen. Never mind that those reasons have turned out false...we can argue the problems of political posturing and grandstanding and I can easily point out how decisions made long ago painted a number of people into corners where the only option was continue down a poor path or lose respect internationally.
I digress.

I do believe that we have the right to defend ourselves...even against a potential threat that has made it very clear they wish us harm and have the means to accomplish that task.
But what cost is reasonable in that defense?
This is where I've lost my bearing.

The surgical strike on Osama's compound is a perfect counterpoint to the ongoing wars actually. One recognized a threat and nullified it with minimal physical impact to the surrounding buildings, family, and even nation.
The others...well...do a google search or two...plenty of evidence from a ten year old war to see how badly we've damaged an entire country.

Of course...even the surgical strike isn't perfect. Is it murder? Was his death necessary? What about the political and social ramifications of sneaking into another country to attack a building and kill people we deem a threat to our security?
Man...you put Osama's name on it and everyone accepts it...but if you placed that description anywhere else there'd be an uproar.

Lots to think about...but it's all still bouncing around. Feel free to continue the conversation...

-not a surgeon

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

news from perry

Perry Farrell told me that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Perry Farrell.
The lead singer of a popular band conveyed news to me that seems to be of such amazing import.
But I'm not sure how to take it, and I'm not sure how important it really is.
Osama is dead.
Certainly, I won't argue that the world is now so much worse without him in it, that he was some bright light that will be sorely missed.
No. Not that.
But better?
To say that the world is now vastly improved by his removal from it...
I'm not sure that can be said.

Bear with me here...this is still being sorted out...bouncing around my head for two days and it still hasn't found rest.

But a better place?
Everyone cheered at the news. Ten thousand human voices shouting in jubilation at the news of his death.
Just writing that seems so macabre, and I'm still not sure how I feel.
Mostly though, it's not this single loss of life that upsets me but the overwhelming joy that seems to have come from us as a result.
Joy may be too strong a word.
It is...too strong...but I'm not sure what word is proper here.
There is no doubt that many found the news of his death to be cathartic, as if a switch had been flipped. Relief and whatnot pouring forth.
But that is so misplaced...we are still at war...one death isn't going to change that. I mean, there are so many deaths every day, on both sides, and yet we still fight.
I have the sad feeling that many in those countries would argue that their main reason for fighting is the same one that was given by so many Confederate soldiers in the Civil War..."You're here aren't ya?"

Man it's so weird to sit on the side of a group that doesn't want war...that doesn't want to fight. But I have no desire to pick a fight, to continue it, I just want to protect those I love and care for...
And I'm pretty sure that everyone on the planet has figured out that it's a bad idea to fuck with America...so can we just stop?
Just stop.

Probably not. It's never that simple.
These are all randoms...strands that have been floating around, as mentioned, for the past 48 hours. Please don't jump down my throat...but feel free to comment even if you disagree.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

dear anonymous...

Anonymous, I miss it too.

Seems I can't find that place anymore, and I don't know why.
Over time I think I've just started censoring myself too much. Closing off all of those doors to rooms still unfurnished.
The only things I share are those I'm relatively certain of, that I've thought on for hours.
No, that's not right.
I don't share those thoughts either, because they are sorted and straight. No need to get them out, to see them in black and white.

Maybe part of it is that I just don't take the time to sit down and write. I'm out of practice, words don't flow.
That used to happen you know? Flow flow flow.
I'd sit down at the computer and
letter word phrase
they'd come splashing out,
brain fingers keys screen
and there would be an entry, raw and energetic, containing all that was in that crazy mixed up room in my head. Sometimes jumbled, sometimes neatly organized, usually somewhere between the two.

Practice is what I need...but yeah...I don't get it. Perhaps I've become apathetic...I lack the energy to get riled up and on the war path, to spill out my guts. Or I just lack the bravery...I'm hiding in the corner now afraid of what others will think of these words. Or just afraid of what will happen if I put them all down. Of what may actually come out of this head. I don't know if I'm comfortable anymore. I like who I am, just don't know if I'm happy with where I'm going.

Mostly I'm just out of practice. The new job is supposed to be uber quiet and simple...so maybe I'll have more time. That's when I did most of my writing before, back when I was just a minion myself...so hopefully I can return to that.
It felt good to have something substantial here instead of just using it as a calendar...a spot to write down my comings and goings.
Which is where I am now at.
I don't know...but time ticks by and I have one week left of the old job...today is day 1 of  4...gotta run.

Today was a decent start.We'll see.

-not quite perfect

Saturday, April 16, 2011

new math

Last night saw yours truly entering a bar not too far from Post Oak to hang out with California.
California is the lovely minion who is moving with me to the new job, so she'll soon cease to be a minion and will then be a coworker.
California is probably my new best friend.
That sounds silly, and neither Hotflashin' nor Monkey have anything to worry about...but yes...California and I have a mad brother/sister/bff connection. It is awesome.

Anyway, we met for drinks, she introduced me to her new man, good times were had.
Too much good times.
Too much.

Now it hurts.
It hurts because two shots were ordered, with the thought that this would see me through the rest of the evening. Only those two shots were both doubles and California's new man bought another round on top. With a bit of quick alcoholic math you can see how two shots quickly became six, and now it hurts.
It was fun though, and this man needed the trip out of the house. So yes.
How was your Friday night?


Friday, April 15, 2011

jolly brown

I'm working back up to regular posts.
SweetD and I are no more. I think I've mentioned that.
It kinda sucks I gotta say. Because I do think the world of her, and I enjoy her company, but still...completely different paths so it was doomed.

heh...Invader Zim is the bomb.

Last night I hung out with the Jolly Brown Giant, forever after known as JBG. She calls herself that so I think it's okay if I give her that nickname here. I hope so, because she's fantastic and a good friend. So there should be stories in here to come. Anyway, yes, JBG, the sis, and myself hit Molly's here in The Woodlands for drinks. Great converstaion and good times. I've logged back into OkCupid for the first time in forever...even downloaded the app...but I changed my status to basically just looking for friends. We'll see how that goes.

This morning I woke up early, headed downtown to turn in the last of my paperwork for the new job, and confirmed my start date as May 2nd. I ended up talking to like 6 people who used to work for me or with me. It was a bit crazy. This is almost like transferring to a different department, not moving to an entirely new company.

Then on the way home, I bought 2 new tires and a battery for the GTI. $600 down, but the car will be mucho happy with me.
I was supposed to brew beer this weekend...but I don't know if it's going to happen. Oh, and Pixie! I made vegan cheese last weekend. It's currently aging. Taste test tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

Boring really, I know, but that's all I've got for now.

-busy bee

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles

Battle: Los Angeles

Director - Jonathan Liebesman
Writer - Christopher Bertolini

Starring - Aaron Eckhart and Michelle Rodriguez

Cloverfield meets Black Hawk Down.
That's really all you need.
There is a cool subplot regarding the main character, and the movie is well executed.
Aliens attack the planet, we don't see too much of them, the pace is frenetic at times, and there is definitely that macho war feel you get from Black Hawk Down.

Good Freaking Movie Man. I'm putting it at number 4 for the year, under Tron, but it's really close to a tie with that movie.

-obsessed with the fat lady

Thursday, April 07, 2011

The Eagle

The Eagle

Director - Kevin Macdonald
Writers - Jeremy Brock and Rosemary Sutcliff

Starring - Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, and Donald Sutherland

This is a redemption tale.
Except there's no need for the main character to redeem himself.
This is a story of honor, except even that is muddled and sometimes pushed too far.
Okay, so it's an epic quest...pulled off through deception and thievery?
It's a buddy tale...as told in the last 30 seconds of the film where they make lighthearted jokes about the whole thing?

Man I'm confused.

Channing and Jamie do a decent job playing their roles, no complaint there. Sutherland has a good sized supporting role, and delivers well as always.

Here's the thing...the plot sucks and the story is mediocre.
But the history they tell and pictorals? Beautiful.
The cinematographer is fantastic...man deserves a medal. The fight scenes are really well done, and while much of the middle section of the movie is slow drudgery...it does so with fantastic scenery and visuals.

Don't spend money on this. It's number 5 for now, and will stay at the bottom unless something truly horrible comes along.

-the eagle is rome

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

slumber, or lack thereof

The dreams continue as I toss and turn.
Monday night, was a continuation of me as murderer. The friend I had killed from Sunday morning? Yeah, apparently I had stuffed the body in a box and hidden that in a refrigerated storage shed.
Only I shared the shed with other people, and they needed to move stuff around and check which boxes were what. I spent the entire dream trying to keep them from touching or messing with that one box while helping them move everything else around.
It was like Tetris of the Damned.

Last night I was living at an insanely large apartment complex where, it turns out, one of my old minions also lived. She was practicing her bowhunting skills by shooting at a target.
I joined her.
Why? Why would I do that?
At some point she morphed into one of my exes, and we were discussing how we ended up back together...as we continued to shoot at the target.

It's got to be the change in weather. That always throws me off. I'm taking something tonight. Not sure what yet...but something good that will knock me the hell out.

-the real slim shady

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet

Gnomeo and Juliet

Director - Kelley Asbury
Writers - William Shakespeare and Kelley Asbury

Starring - James McAvoy and Emily Blunt

I'm waaaay late on writing this one, and the next, and kinda late on even the one after that...forgive me?
Anyway...this is cute, funny, and highly quoteable for kids. I know because I took my lovely niece LittleA.
You know the story, or at least I hope you do. I liked the Elton John that was thrown in, but I hear many people didn't appreciate it at all. It is simple, with a ton of one liners, but I don't think they went over the top.
LittleA loved it, and the two of us quoted it the whole ride home.
As a standalone movie for adults...not at all. but the kid loved it so yeah.

For all of the little things, and the recommendation that you should definitely take the kids...it is at the bottom of the list for the moment at number 4.

-a weed by any other name

Monday, April 04, 2011

on seasoned fries

I call this place subliminal hits, a reference to background thoughts and ideas, to dreams and random notions...
Last night found this man tossing and turning as dreams and thoughts assaulted his mind with stunning clarity. At one point chased by ex girlfriends begging for marriage, another I had slept in past my showtime at the new job...the one I don't start for 3 more weeks. Inbetween are half remembered images of real people that I know in surreal settings...a hospital, a mountainside, a desert ridge...
Waking suddenly, covered in sweat, at the thought of screwing myself so thoroughly at the new job...it took me a minute to gather my thoughts, to realize that it was monday morning, that I still have a month to go at the old job before starting the new.

Then I realized that this was my body's way of paying me back for drinking and staying out far too late last night. Evil evil body.
So my painful yelling sweaty sorry bag of bones was rolled out of bed, quickly showered, though I wanted desperately to stay under the spray of hot water for an hour at the very least...and got ready for work.

Work is good...meh...make that decent. I'm dealing with the douche supervisor...and I don't even know why he's here, but he is. Whatever, I'll make do.
For all of my whining about hangovers and the pain we must endure the morning after, I had fun last night with that minion that needs a nickname and one of our flight attendants. Good times and good conversations...followed by a late night snack at Jack in the Box.
Let's be honest, my body was probably more angry about Jack in the Box than the drinking. Lesson learned...I'll try to refrain from the siren song that is Jack's seasoned curly fries in future.

-what happened last night

Sunday, April 03, 2011


I made this yesterday.
The recipe came out to roughly two pints and it tastes fantastic.
I gave one of the pints to Barista as a birthday gift.
Also, Z (boyfriend) proposed to her at the birthday party...how awesome is that? She said yes...because he's a Superhero! hehehe
All in all it was a pretty great night.
I met a bunch of new people, hung out with Converse and her man, and just generally had fun.
I left there about 2230 and met up with one of the minions...who needs a nickname because I'm sure I'll be spending more time with her in the future.
She's a good kid.
We had two drinks at The Harp before I sent her off to hookup with her new man.
Because I'm cool like that.

Did I mention that I got the other job? I start the first of May. More money, better flight benefits, less responsibility, room to move up, and they don't leave town until march or april of next year...so that gives me a year to make up my mind about moving.
It's truly a win win win.

Okay, that's all...I am out.

-got his peanutbutter in your chocolate

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I'm not sleeping.
And when I do sleep it isn't restful, but comes in fits and starts.
In the past 10 days the only full night of rest I've had was this past tuesday night when I slept at my place in preparation for the interview.
That night I crawled into bed, set the alarm, turned off the light, and woke up 7 glorious hours later to my alarm.

The only night of full sleep in 10 days.

Last night, I got just two hours.
Taken one at a time.
This just isn't working.

I'mma go work now.
Will fill you in on the interview (it went well) and St. Patrick's Day (I got quite drunk) later.

-gets no sleep

Monday, March 14, 2011

the thick of it

The weekend was good, a much needed break.
Today started a very long week for me.
2 days on, wed off, and then another 6 straight.

Oh, and I got the call today for an interview at CAL. It'll be on Wednesday, so fingers crossed for me okay?

Other than that I've been doing pretty well. SweetD and I had dinner at Benihana on Thursday night, which would have been about perfect had the night not ended with an argument in regards to marriage and commitment and whatnot.
I feel bad that I can't give her what she wants, but...I just can't. I'm trying, but it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. She said something that night that just won't leave my head...
She said "You just want to spend time with me when you want to spend time with me."
To which I responded "Well don't you just want to spend time with me when you want to?"
"But I ALWAYS want to spend time with you!"

Because if we get down to the thick of it, I don't have any need to see her every day or spend all of my time with her. That's sad, and probably not cool...but it's also true.
I care about her very much. I want her to be happy. I've put this off long enough...but the longer it goes the more it seems that I really just am not the right man for her.

On a side note...I have a new anonymous reader. I kinda thought it was SweetD to be honest, but the internet provider doesn't match. Whomever it is lives pretty close by though...so hello new reader. Please feel free to say hi sometime and introduce yourself k?

-angst ridden blogger

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

I'm older and whatnot

My birthweek was fantastic!
I had good food and enjoyed good times with good folks.

Let's see let's see...
Thursday my Dad came by so a group of us hit a burger joint locally and hung out for a bit. Then on Friday I picked up OT here at the office, followed by dinner with the whole family at Chi Sushi here in the Woodlands. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before, but that place is fantastic. An order of hot sake', some sushi...which my sister even tried and enjoyed. Then a big plate of tempura. Good times.
My Mom is pretty set in her ways foodwise so my Dad doesn't get to venture out and enjoy some of the more exotic things that I can tell he likes...so this was kind of a treat for him. He really enjoyed the sushi. Seeing how happy he was with the food kind of made my day...it was like a bonus birthday gift to me. heh
Afterwards, a few of us hit Coldstone at Market Street for some ice cream...because I was totally craving it and it was my birthday, so there!
Mmmm then Saturday morning I met...we'll just call her CapitalA for the moment (Monkey...please help me with a nicname for her yeah?)
I met CapitalA at the mall and the two of us ran into Hubbell and Hudsons to grab a few items for the weekend trip to Austin. Then away we went...like 2 hours later than planned...but we were on our way!
Austin was hella fun.
The sis headed up later and we all stayed at Monkey's house with her Husband and their little one. CapitalA and Monkey set up a scavenger hunt for the 12 gift cards they bought me. Had me searching around the house like a kid on Easter. It was hilarious though. I'm glad they did it. That night was a lovely dinner of roast chicken and vegetables prepared by Monkey. Oh, and CapitalA provided a crap ton of cupcakes for the weekend too.
We all stayed up drinking and playing games until the wee hour of 2330. That's right, I was in bed before midnight...because I'm old now. haha
Anyway, then sunday morning I finished my kite and we headed to the Austin Kite Festival at Zilker park. It was so much fun. We had a picnic with all the food from Hubbell and Hudsons plus fruit and drinks provided by Monkey and crew.
I got lots of compliments on the artwork for my kite...but it didn't fly. It just wasn't stable. Meh. I'm learning and I still had fun.

Okay...the minions have gathered around like a gaggle of vultures...they want to go home early. Must get to work. Have a lovely night.

-employee of the month

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

today is my birthday

For reals!
It's been a good day too.
The sis bought me a book to add to my growing collection...The Bread Bible...Woot!
Also, a knife that I lost over a year ago came back to me. I got it from my grandad...so it's kindof a big deal to me. Totally random, but I apparently lost it in the office, and a coworker had it out on his desk tonight...
I asked him about it and he was all "yeah, I found it forever ago...why? Is it yours?"

Holy crapola...what a great birthday gift?

One of the minions bought me a cake, and a good friend stopped by the office with my order of apple pie moonshine.

The only down side to this bright day is that I had to work.
Hope you all enjoyed my birthday as much as I have.
I'm out.

-smells like a monkey

Sunday, February 27, 2011

galloping to the rescue

I pissed off SweetD yesterday.
She called early in the morning, from work, because she was having horrible cramps. She really really needed me to go to her apartment and get some ibuprofen and bring it to her.
She works like 10 minutes away, and her apartment is pretty much en route...
My response?
Isn't there a drugstore or cart at the mall that has that stuff?

To which she replied something angry and huffy about how I should nevermind and then ended the call.

Here's the thing...she wants a knight in shining armor...and I'm just not him. I mean, if her car broke down in the middle of nowhere I would go pick her up and help her sort it. If her apartment caught on fire I'd make sure she had a place to stay...
But for the little things that she can take care of herself?
Yeah...apparently I just don't do that.

A few minutes later she texted to let me know that one of her coworkers had ibuprofen and she was fine.

I'm still a jackass right?

-still in bed

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Green Hornet

The Green Hornet

Director - Michel Gondry
Writers - Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg

Starring - Seth Rogen and Jay Chou

This is more of an anti-superhero movie more closely resembling Max Smart than it does Batman. Seth Rogen turns Brit Reid into a childish buffoon, and does such a good job that at times you really want to smack him. His sidekick Kato is the real hero, inventing crazy gadgets and performing over the top stunts.
Definitely cheesy, with one liners and slapstick thrown around in abundance...you'll definitely laugh.
I liked it, but I'm not a fanboy so the change in tone doesn't bother me. If you're looking for something different, with plenty of action and lots of laughs, this movie is for you.
I ranked it above Tron Legacy if that tells you anything.
Number 2 for the year so far.

-wasting his potential

Friday, February 25, 2011

2011 Movie Reviews

You know the drill...

1. True Grit
2. Hanna
3. The Green Hornet
4. Tron Legacy
5. Sucker Punch
6. Battle: Los Angeles
7. Rango
8. Gnomeo and Juliet


9. Your Highness
10. The Eagle

-wish he knew how to quit you

Thursday, February 24, 2011

50 hours extra

Man...I was posting every day there for a short while then it all just stopped.
Probably has something to do with the 50 hours of overtime I've worked in the past two weeks.
Could be...just maybe.

But I've seen the light, and I'm pretty certain I'm leaving sooner rather than later. I was going to wait for a designer position...but now...meh...I think I'm just going to go over to CAL. The pay looks like the same, the flight benefits are better, and I'll have far less responsibility.
The only downside is that I'll lose seniority so I'll have to take whatever the give me for shifts and days off. Ahh well. I'll make do.
My resume will be sent over just as soon as they post a new position.

That's all for now, the next few days will be rest and relaxation. I'm going to build a kite, and maybe shoot that rocket that I finished building back in November...damn...has it been that long?
A little scary.

Anyway, hopefully I'll manage some time to post a few movie reviews and bang out a couple other things that have been bouncing about my head. We'll see.

-not to be disparaged

Friday, February 11, 2011

galldang rickafrazerwitz

I worked late one night last week.
And I should remember what night, given the traumatic events that eventually occured, but maybe that's my brain trying to save me from the scars.
Yes...let's go with that.

I've had a long stressfull day. Work was crappy busy, crews were angry, there was yelling and blame was thrown around. I'm pretty sure someone told me it was my fault that their marriage was falling apart.

THAT kind of day.

But I'm home now.
The Sis is awake at this ungodly hour because I don't know why...but it's super nice to see her. She's like a happy little sunshine, makes me feel more relaxed and chill to be home.
Yay for sisters.
You can see how things are looking up.
A quiet drive home, the cat actually meets me at the door to say hello and get a head scratch. It's 1am but the sister is sitting on the couch with a smile and a joke. I'm deflating, coming down...life really isn't all that shabby. Put the groceries on the kitchen counter and grab the backpack as I hike up the stairs. Quietly walk down the hall to my bedroom so as not to wake anyone else in the house. Dropping the backpack on the bed, I feel something tickle the back of my neck just under the collar. So I reach up to figure out what it is
"Ouch! OMG Ouch Fuck Fuck!"
Sharp stabbing pain in my neck like I'm on fire.
Run down the hall..."Are you kidding me?!"
Sis is calling up "You okay?"
"That fucking hurts! Fuck! Shit! God Damnit!"
"Seriously...you okay?
"Shit! I'm okay. Something bit me."

Going back into the room I look on the bed. Whatever it was, I'd managed to grab it and throw it off my neck onto the bed just before launching myself down the hallway. My neck is throbbing...and there it is...a fucking hornet. Man I hate wasps and hornets.
Bees are okay by me...they make honey and I love that stuff.
But wasps and hornets?
They like to sting people...me specificially...in my bedroom, at 1am.
Honestly what the hell?

I went down stairs, the sis suggested that I soak a teabag and put it on the two, that's right TWO damned stings that I had on the back of my neck.
It kinda worked to take some of the pain away, though that may have been all mental.
I didn't eat dinner that night, but I will say that two Benadryl and a bottle of Fat Tire will help a man find a full night of deep slumber.

-apparent target

Thursday, February 10, 2011

True Grit

True Grit

Directed - The Coen Brothers
Written - Charles Portis

Starring - Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, and Hailee Steinfeld

True Grit stays true to its roots.
I haven't seen the John Wayne version all the way through. Okay, that's a shame and something I should fix, I know...but from what I've seen of the two, the new movie deviates very little from the original telling.
Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Barry Pepper...all well done. I'll even say to look out for the young girl from the film...Hailee Steinfeld. We expect excellent work from the other names on that list, but she was no slouch.
Also, I love the dialogue in this film. In fact, I may just go get the book.
It's a well done retelling of a classic John Wayne western. You'll get exactly what you expect from that sort of description and I'd be shocked if you were unhappy with the results. I certainly wasn't.
Go see it, it's number 1 on my list so far this year.

-a saucy line

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Tron Legacy

Tron Legacy 

Director - Joseph Kosinski
Writer - Edward Kitsis

Starring - Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde

Jack of all trades, master of none, this is the story of Tron Legacy.
It's a sci-fi, action, adventure, redemption, messiah, family, epic, love story.
By trying so hard to please everyone, I think they only managed to midly entertain most of the audience. Only the fanboys were really overjoyed.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie.
The 3D is beautiful, and the trick they played between the real world and cyberspace was well done. But still...meh.
The movie starts out strong, tries to make a dramatic point, and then ends with a great big pop.
You would think bang...but it turned out to be a cork gun instead of a howitzer.
Go figure.

Again, I liked it but wanted more. They should have focused on one aspect, left some details out entirely or pushed them farther.
Anyway, worth seeing, and will end up number 3 on the list. But only because I had a ton of fun with one of the other movies. They are kind of a tie.
You'll see.

-he's different

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

crazy work

Work has been crazy insane since that last post. What with snow storms all across the eastern half of the country and good old Houston deciding to have an ice storm over the weekend.
Then a coworker...the grumpy old man (I love that guy, totally a term of endearment), he was rushed to hospital and now I'm covering his shift.
The early pain in the ass I hate everyone shift.
No wonder he was so grumpy huh?

He's stable, so that's good. Which reminds me that I really need to call hotflashin' and let her in on the news.
/making call way too late at night...
Right, anyway, message left.

So yes, he is okay for the moment and they are running tests to find out exactly what is wrong so they can fix him properly.

Yesterday I was awake for 27 hours. That's like super awesome right?
I switched shifts to cover for the old man, which meant leaving a night shift and coming back for a morning shift. Only I wasn't able to fall asleep in between. So yeah.

Anyway, I'm tired, and grumpy, but making good money. That is all for now.

-a few apples short

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

how do you hack it

It's amazing what pressure and stress will do to a person and how they will handle it.

I've got a minion who apparently sat in her car and cried for a good ten minutes before walking in the door today. But I mean, her purse was stolen this weekend along with her house and car keys and like 600 dollars in cash. On top of that we are in the middle of the perfect storm of weather issues for the travel industry.
I'd hate to be trying to get anywhere in the US this week. Much better to stay home.
I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, yeah...she had that cry, and now her attitude on the floor in the middle of all this craziness and all of the crazy coworkers has been fantastic. She's totally risen to the occasion.

I actually said that in my interview...that I perform better under stress, not that I enjoy it, just that...well...when shit goes bad, that's when my A game comes on. I don't know. I step up and take control.
Like I was built for adversity.
Good thing I guess given my current job status.

Alright, back to work.

-shopping cart hero

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

come again?

Having someone confess to you that they are occasionally abusive to their significant other is pretty freaking surreal.
It's nice to know they are aware of it, and that they are trying to control it...but...yeah.

Perhaps what is more surreal is that it was such a natural segway in the conversation we were already having.
Meh. The conversation was ended far before it should have by our arrival at our destination. I know that they are already seeing a professional to deal with these issues, so I feel like they are getting help.

In better news, I have enough things bouncing around my head for like 9 entries...just have to write them.
I'll get on it soon.

-turning stones

Friday, January 14, 2011

perhaps i was wrong

Just after christmas I wrote this post about how commercialism has ruined christmas and how it is so difficult to garner enthusiasm when we're already surrounded by so much...well...STUFF.

Today I saw this and it warmed my heart.
Quick warning, there are cusswords...he's just THAT happy.

-santa's grumpy elf

Monday, January 10, 2011

break time

Work is crazy...like really crazy.
I need a break.

So please allow me to take a moment and spill some things as a diversionary tactic.

After thinking about it, I think that a lot of the reason I haven't been posting all that much is that I tend to write about my relationships when i'm here. In this case, that equates to talking about SweetD, and I'm afraid that if I work out all of my issues there the final answer will be a break up.
You know...because once I've come to that conclusion here I can't really ignore it. I guess I could...but that's just not how I work. Once it becomes clear, like solidly clear...then I just can't put it away until I've fixed it.
Mostly anyway.
So yeah...I'd say that a major lack of posts has been my unwillingness to really explore that situation for fear that I'll come to the solid conclusion that it just needs to be over.
Maybe I'll come to that conclusion after all...but then maybe that means it needs to be over.
I don't know. Maybe it'll all work out anyway? Eh...we'll see.
For now...it's back to work.

-livin' on love

Sunday, January 09, 2011

shopping for zombies

The weekend was good.
A night out with friends where it was confirmed that, should there be an actual zombie apocolypse...they will all hunt me down and ask for my help in rebuilding the world. Being a nerd that loves to make things has resulted in my own zombie protection team. Woot!

Next day I went out and spent my christmas money. A few books...Cod by Mark Kurlansky, and World War Z by Max Brooks. Cod because Hotflashin lent me Salt a little over a year ago and I loved it. World War Z because...well...Zombies! heh
Then I grabbed a new shirt from Banana Republic. I love that store as much as any straight man can possibly love a clothing store.
Right...moving on...

The cleanse is currently on day 7. Looks like I've lost a little over 10 pounds. The main thing though, is that I currently have no desire to go back to fast food or other items that are horribly unhealthy.
I'll still eat bacon though.
But yeah, looks like my habits have truly been reset. I just have to keep this mindset and see it through.
Oh, and I've learned that I can talk about food, watch tv shows about food, research recipes...all no issue even on this fast.
But smell it? Oh hells no.
That is a problem.
If I see or smell food my instincts take over from the brain and make a strong push to overcome my willpower.
So I've been avoiding any sort of meal. Which just makes sense really, so no one is giving me too hard a time about it. Though both the sister and SweetD have made me promise to start eating again soon. So tomorrow I'll start yogurt and in a day or two will come applesauce and bananas and whatnot. Week 2 will finish out with broths and soups.

Back to the weekend. I spent last night playing Rockband 3 with Hotflashin and her husband.
Good times.
I miss them.
Must make time for more quality...er...time.

-in case of zombies...follow me

Tuesday, January 04, 2011



Director - Tom McGrath
Writer - Alan J. Schoolcraft

Starring - Will Ferrell, Jonah Hill, and Brad Pitt

This is your classic superman vs supervillian movie, with a decent sized twist. I liked Megamind. The boy and I saw this in 3D at the theatre in Carrickfergus. There were very little of the crazy 3D gimmicks. I think the film companies are laying off of that a bit more.
Just give me decent 3D. There's no need to throw anything directly at my face.
Thank you very much.
Yes, anyway...classic setup with a very good twist. The one liners are excellent and the voice acting is well done. This is a fantastic movie for a little kid. The boy is 9 now and his trip with me was his second viewing. He insisted on this movie too so I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he gives it a thumbs up.
This was a very good movie for the little ones while still managing to thoroughly entertain the adults.
Well, this adult was entertained.

There's an interesting idea put forth in the idea that when we fight for, or against, something for most of our lives...well...what do we do when that adversarial relationship is gone?
I liked it. Even ranked it #5 for the year, putting it just a tiny smidge under Harry Potter DH.
I don't think you'll be disappointed at all. Go see it.
Or rent it maybe...this review is somewhat late.
It also closes out 2010.

Tron is next on the list, and will be a sturdy #1 for 2011. But well...yes...just one movie for now so there you go.

-the black sheep

Monday, January 03, 2011

Wish you were here

I was reading the blog of a friend earlier today and was struck by how poignant her words are. How they make me feel as if we are sitting across a table enjoying a drink together.
And I miss that.
The ability to write as if you are here I mean.
It was something I actually had a knack for at one time. Back when the words here and elsewhere were rarely censored or thought out.
Before this process became such an obsession.
In the pursuit of finding that elusive moment in all of these syllables, of connecting in some profound way, I’ve focused on adjectives and nouns to the detriment of their meaning. Causing the loss of those thoughts they were actually meant to convey.

It took reading the words of a far better writer to remind me of what I’m actually good at.
Just being me.

For now, thank you for this brief bit of clarity.
Perhaps with this insight I can get back on track.
Only time will tell.

-one hit wonder

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy 2011

Holy hell I was hung over yesterday.

Also, I am not very healthy at the moment. There is some serious belly fat threatening to spoil my graceful figure. heh
Not really a laughing matter. Things must change and with a quickness. Apparently I'm going on a fast tomorrow. I know...not the healthiest choice...but I convinced a scheduler to do it with me last year when I was just experimenting with my food and whatnot. She bailed on me 2 days in. Well now she's doing it again and has asked me to join her for support. I figure I need to knock my current bad habits completely out of whack.
A reset, if you will.
Fasting will totally do that. So yes. A fast...then the gym like it's going out of style, as well as some sort of strict regimen foodwise for...ehh...2 weeks. Then I'll relax a bit and have more fun with my food choices.
The hope here, and it has proved itself in the past, is that by destroying all bad habits for a few weeks, I can start again and build good ones.
I'll update you folks as I go.

Oh...and Happy New Year! 2011! Woooo!
I had a ton of fun. Hope you all did too.
I'm out...back tomorrow methinks...we'll see.

-just a little crazy

Harry Potter DH 1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1

Director - David Yates
Writter - J.K. Rowling
Starring - Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint

You should probably just read this...I agree with him mostly, though I'd say that I didn't find the book dull at all. I think the director did the best he could with the subject matter...but it's just so slow in the middle of the movie while they camp around the countryside.

Still a decent movie though. It wasn't so boring or slow that I fell asleep or wanted to walk out. More like a comeoncanwegetonwithit kind of boring.

Anyway, it came in at #4 for me for 2010. Closely tied with Megamind which the boy and I saw the week after. I'll review that one next. Then Tron.
Expect updates every few days for a bit. I'm working on it.

-not a witch