Wednesday, April 06, 2011

slumber, or lack thereof

The dreams continue as I toss and turn.
Monday night, was a continuation of me as murderer. The friend I had killed from Sunday morning? Yeah, apparently I had stuffed the body in a box and hidden that in a refrigerated storage shed.
Only I shared the shed with other people, and they needed to move stuff around and check which boxes were what. I spent the entire dream trying to keep them from touching or messing with that one box while helping them move everything else around.
It was like Tetris of the Damned.

Last night I was living at an insanely large apartment complex where, it turns out, one of my old minions also lived. She was practicing her bowhunting skills by shooting at a target.
I joined her.
Why? Why would I do that?
At some point she morphed into one of my exes, and we were discussing how we ended up back we continued to shoot at the target.

It's got to be the change in weather. That always throws me off. I'm taking something tonight. Not sure what yet...but something good that will knock me the hell out.

-the real slim shady

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They mean you're crazy. Just kidding.