Sunday, February 27, 2011

galloping to the rescue

I pissed off SweetD yesterday.
She called early in the morning, from work, because she was having horrible cramps. She really really needed me to go to her apartment and get some ibuprofen and bring it to her.
She works like 10 minutes away, and her apartment is pretty much en route...
My response?
Isn't there a drugstore or cart at the mall that has that stuff?

To which she replied something angry and huffy about how I should nevermind and then ended the call.

Here's the thing...she wants a knight in shining armor...and I'm just not him. I mean, if her car broke down in the middle of nowhere I would go pick her up and help her sort it. If her apartment caught on fire I'd make sure she had a place to stay...
But for the little things that she can take care of herself?
Yeah...apparently I just don't do that.

A few minutes later she texted to let me know that one of her coworkers had ibuprofen and she was fine.

I'm still a jackass right?

-still in bed


UnCruel said...

Sometimes being a schmuck is a good thing.

If this were someone new in your life, I would suggest that you had just passed a conformance test. "Hold my purse." If you do her bidding too eagerly, then you're a suck up. Suck ups are not attractive. If, on the other hand, you value yourself (and your time), and you refuse to perform unnecessary errands, then she will know that you consider yourself to have high enough social value that you don't need to suck up, which is attractive. To you and me, this sounds irrational, but women do this all the time without knowing why.

In this case, however, she probably just thought of you first when she had a problem. Women are not problem solvers, they are cultivators of social bonds. Evolutionarily speaking, a woman's ability to build a supportive community improves her chances of survival. Her first thought when encountering a problem is not how to solve it, but *who* can solve it. You were first on the list. You should feel flattered. But being a schmuck is still a good thing in this case, because a) someone has to solve the problem rationally, and b) asserting yourself continues to preserve your attractiveness.

Abberatia said...

No, you're not. In the case of cramps the proper steps to take to alleviate said pain, (by a rational person) are as follows:
1. Go to purse to get 'drugs', you're a girl, you know you're going to start your period, you should have them. If not move on to step 2.
2. Ask everyone present if they have 'drugs'. If no, go to step 3.
3. Think of places close by that have 'drugs'. If no where close by, ie. 10 minutes go to step 4.
4. Ask boss if you can go home and get drugs. If boss won't allow you to leave proceed to step 5.
5. Feel sorry for yourself and grimace and mope a little; but feel a little stupid that you didn't have them in your bag/car to begin with.

The End.

Anonymous said...

At least you know who you are and where you stand in a relationship.