Thursday, February 24, 2011

50 hours extra

Man...I was posting every day there for a short while then it all just stopped.
Probably has something to do with the 50 hours of overtime I've worked in the past two weeks.
Could be...just maybe.

But I've seen the light, and I'm pretty certain I'm leaving sooner rather than later. I was going to wait for a designer position...but now...meh...I think I'm just going to go over to CAL. The pay looks like the same, the flight benefits are better, and I'll have far less responsibility.
The only downside is that I'll lose seniority so I'll have to take whatever the give me for shifts and days off. Ahh well. I'll make do.
My resume will be sent over just as soon as they post a new position.

That's all for now, the next few days will be rest and relaxation. I'm going to build a kite, and maybe shoot that rocket that I finished building back in November...damn...has it been that long?
A little scary.

Anyway, hopefully I'll manage some time to post a few movie reviews and bang out a couple other things that have been bouncing about my head. We'll see.

-not to be disparaged

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