Friday, February 11, 2011

galldang rickafrazerwitz

I worked late one night last week.
And I should remember what night, given the traumatic events that eventually occured, but maybe that's my brain trying to save me from the scars.
Yes...let's go with that.

I've had a long stressfull day. Work was crappy busy, crews were angry, there was yelling and blame was thrown around. I'm pretty sure someone told me it was my fault that their marriage was falling apart.

THAT kind of day.

But I'm home now.
The Sis is awake at this ungodly hour because I don't know why...but it's super nice to see her. She's like a happy little sunshine, makes me feel more relaxed and chill to be home.
Yay for sisters.
You can see how things are looking up.
A quiet drive home, the cat actually meets me at the door to say hello and get a head scratch. It's 1am but the sister is sitting on the couch with a smile and a joke. I'm deflating, coming really isn't all that shabby. Put the groceries on the kitchen counter and grab the backpack as I hike up the stairs. Quietly walk down the hall to my bedroom so as not to wake anyone else in the house. Dropping the backpack on the bed, I feel something tickle the back of my neck just under the collar. So I reach up to figure out what it is
"Ouch! OMG Ouch Fuck Fuck!"
Sharp stabbing pain in my neck like I'm on fire.
Run down the hall..."Are you kidding me?!"
Sis is calling up "You okay?"
"That fucking hurts! Fuck! Shit! God Damnit!"
" okay?
"Shit! I'm okay. Something bit me."

Going back into the room I look on the bed. Whatever it was, I'd managed to grab it and throw it off my neck onto the bed just before launching myself down the hallway. My neck is throbbing...and there it is...a fucking hornet. Man I hate wasps and hornets.
Bees are okay by me...they make honey and I love that stuff.
But wasps and hornets?
They like to sting my bedroom, at 1am.
Honestly what the hell?

I went down stairs, the sis suggested that I soak a teabag and put it on the two, that's right TWO damned stings that I had on the back of my neck.
It kinda worked to take some of the pain away, though that may have been all mental.
I didn't eat dinner that night, but I will say that two Benadryl and a bottle of Fat Tire will help a man find a full night of deep slumber.

-apparent target


UnCruel said...

I'm not laughing at your misfortune ... I promise it's all about the storytelling :)

sublimenigma said...

Thank you man. I'm glad you liked it. :)