Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Tron Legacy

Tron Legacy 

Director - Joseph Kosinski
Writer - Edward Kitsis

Starring - Jeff Bridges and Olivia Wilde

Jack of all trades, master of none, this is the story of Tron Legacy.
It's a sci-fi, action, adventure, redemption, messiah, family, epic, love story.
By trying so hard to please everyone, I think they only managed to midly entertain most of the audience. Only the fanboys were really overjoyed.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie.
The 3D is beautiful, and the trick they played between the real world and cyberspace was well done. But still...meh.
The movie starts out strong, tries to make a dramatic point, and then ends with a great big pop.
You would think bang...but it turned out to be a cork gun instead of a howitzer.
Go figure.

Again, I liked it but wanted more. They should have focused on one aspect, left some details out entirely or pushed them farther.
Anyway, worth seeing, and will end up number 3 on the list. But only because I had a ton of fun with one of the other movies. They are kind of a tie.
You'll see.

-he's different

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