Wednesday, March 02, 2011

today is my birthday

For reals!
It's been a good day too.
The sis bought me a book to add to my growing collection...The Bread Bible...Woot!
Also, a knife that I lost over a year ago came back to me. I got it from my it's kindof a big deal to me. Totally random, but I apparently lost it in the office, and a coworker had it out on his desk tonight...
I asked him about it and he was all "yeah, I found it forever ago...why? Is it yours?"

Holy crapola...what a great birthday gift?

One of the minions bought me a cake, and a good friend stopped by the office with my order of apple pie moonshine.

The only down side to this bright day is that I had to work.
Hope you all enjoyed my birthday as much as I have.
I'm out.

-smells like a monkey


Abberatia said...

Oh holy crappy friends batman! I can't believe I forgot your birthday. I feel like a tool... Let me at least buy you a beer the next time you're available.

*ouch* my heart hurts because I forgot... *sadface*

Princess Pixybell said...

Hey spanks, sorry I missed your birthday, sounds like you had fun even if you did have to work. Have a great weekend and belated wishes from England.


sublimenigma said...

No worries Abbe...since I am notorious about not advertising my birthday I don't expect people to know or remember. You're golden. :)
I'll still take that drink though, and soon.

Thank you Pixy!