Monday, March 14, 2011

the thick of it

The weekend was good, a much needed break.
Today started a very long week for me.
2 days on, wed off, and then another 6 straight.

Oh, and I got the call today for an interview at CAL. It'll be on Wednesday, so fingers crossed for me okay?

Other than that I've been doing pretty well. SweetD and I had dinner at Benihana on Thursday night, which would have been about perfect had the night not ended with an argument in regards to marriage and commitment and whatnot.
I feel bad that I can't give her what she wants, but...I just can't. I'm trying, but it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen. She said something that night that just won't leave my head...
She said "You just want to spend time with me when you want to spend time with me."
To which I responded "Well don't you just want to spend time with me when you want to?"
"But I ALWAYS want to spend time with you!"

Because if we get down to the thick of it, I don't have any need to see her every day or spend all of my time with her. That's sad, and probably not cool...but it's also true.
I care about her very much. I want her to be happy. I've put this off long enough...but the longer it goes the more it seems that I really just am not the right man for her.

On a side note...I have a new anonymous reader. I kinda thought it was SweetD to be honest, but the internet provider doesn't match. Whomever it is lives pretty close by hello new reader. Please feel free to say hi sometime and introduce yourself k?

-angst ridden blogger

1 comment:

Abberatia said...

You know my opinion on the matter but from one old broad to an old man, cut her loose. This time that she's spending with you is time she could be using to get over you and find that 'man of her dreams' that wants marriage and kids and all that stuff. She still thinks she can change your mind, those of us who aren't deluded KNOW that she can't. You rock, she rocks but you just don't roll together. Hugs!