Wednesday, May 04, 2011

news from perry

Perry Farrell told me that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Perry Farrell.
The lead singer of a popular band conveyed news to me that seems to be of such amazing import.
But I'm not sure how to take it, and I'm not sure how important it really is.
Osama is dead.
Certainly, I won't argue that the world is now so much worse without him in it, that he was some bright light that will be sorely missed.
No. Not that.
But better?
To say that the world is now vastly improved by his removal from it...
I'm not sure that can be said.

Bear with me here...this is still being sorted out...bouncing around my head for two days and it still hasn't found rest.

But a better place?
Everyone cheered at the news. Ten thousand human voices shouting in jubilation at the news of his death.
Just writing that seems so macabre, and I'm still not sure how I feel.
Mostly though, it's not this single loss of life that upsets me but the overwhelming joy that seems to have come from us as a result.
Joy may be too strong a word.
It is...too strong...but I'm not sure what word is proper here.
There is no doubt that many found the news of his death to be cathartic, as if a switch had been flipped. Relief and whatnot pouring forth.
But that is so misplaced...we are still at death isn't going to change that. I mean, there are so many deaths every day, on both sides, and yet we still fight.
I have the sad feeling that many in those countries would argue that their main reason for fighting is the same one that was given by so many Confederate soldiers in the Civil War..."You're here aren't ya?"

Man it's so weird to sit on the side of a group that doesn't want war...that doesn't want to fight. But I have no desire to pick a fight, to continue it, I just want to protect those I love and care for...
And I'm pretty sure that everyone on the planet has figured out that it's a bad idea to fuck with can we just stop?
Just stop.

Probably not. It's never that simple.
These are all randoms...strands that have been floating around, as mentioned, for the past 48 hours. Please don't jump down my throat...but feel free to comment even if you disagree.


Anonymous said...

I am happy that a source of evil has been eliminated from the world. I am saddened that it came through the death of a human being. Last time I checked, murder (whatever the justification) is never a cause for celebration. Why we are celebrating (or believing) that "peace" can be achieved through war is beyond me.
I doubt that will ever happen. Hate breeds hate. Haven't we proved that enough?

Anonymous said...

i am trying very hard to understand the celebration, and i don't think it's appropriate to celebrate anyone's death. but i'm trying to understand what it means to certain people.

i think i'm pretty much on your side, but i'm also trying to understand why we are doing what we are doing. war is, by definition, a negative thing, but i suppose it can have positive ramifications in the long run.

we're spreading democracy in the region, are we not? is that our place? are we, the united states, a role model for other nations? are we seriously neglecting our domestic economic issues for the sake of foreign political issues? i don't know. it's interesting to think about.