Tuesday, May 17, 2011

so much to say

Its been a long week.
Work is going well, the difference at this place is so...umm...different? Ha.
No really though, it's a world away from what I was dealing with.

Funny how the employees that I speak with on a regular basis are all very professional and polite instead of rude and angry. You wouldn't think that two groups of people in the same profession could handle themselves so differently.
No, maybe you can, but I didn't. I hadn't a clue. That's probably why it strikes me like it does. It honestly blows me away how much different these folks are. Really goes to show how much impact can be made by fostering a professional environment and holding folks accountable for their actions.

SweetD and I have been talking. I'm not sure where that is taking us. Apparently there were some miscommunications that lead to our breakup. Some very crazy assumptions were made on her end...well...maybe not crazy, I can see her logic...just can't believe she assumed some of these things without questioning why I'd be THAT much of a dick.
Because I'm not...and I wasn't...and well...those assumptions are how we got to the end of our rope.

That still doesn't put us back together, but this new information means that perhaps our paths weren't as far apart as I previously thought. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws because I'm still afraid of being alone.
I know she feels that way...she called me "the one that got away"
I hate being called that.
No, I don't...I just don't like it.
No, I do...in one case...because she's crazy and I definitely got away and she knows it...which makes me happy every time I think about it.
Boys...don't stick your dick in crazy.
That's solid advice by the way...words to live by. I'm not even joking.

Back to that phrase though...why do I have to be the one that got away? Why can't I just be some other guy that you had a great time with for a while and then our paths separated? Why is it such a sad thing?
Okay...crazy can be sad...but the rest of you?
Seems I'm just spouting off now but there you have it. The topic du jour.

My Uncle is in Paris...seems he is having a fantastic time...I'm a little bit jealous.

Also, littlesub is having issues...so is his mom...don't know what is going on but I can't seem to reach her either...so yeah. Good times.

Okay, I'm out. Back soon I think. We'll see.

-getting away


Princess Pixybell said...

I love that line, "Boys don't stick your dick in Crazy" hahaha!!! xx

Anonymous said...

Why are you guys still talking, and (it sounds like) trying to work it our if you know she's crazy?? Don't keep sticking your dick in the cray-cray, unless that's what you want. It sounds like you don't want any part of this girl and yet you are somehow drawn to her? Is that accurate?

And just why are you "still afraid of being alone?" You're a good-looking, smart, funny guy! You should have the self-confidence that is almost required to be single these days, if that's what you are. Don't be afraid to be alone. Relish the opportunity to experience something new :)

sublimenigma said...

hmm...I should clarify...
I don't think SweetD is crazy. We all have issues sure, but she has hers under a reasonable amount of control.
I am drawn to her, and I can't explain it.

I should have written that the one case where I'm happy that she calls me the one that got away was a completely different person, not SweetD.
That whole paragraph was a ramble of me remembering the few women in my past that have made very similar statements.

Like I said...for the most part I'm not sure that I like being given that label...but in one case...I'm very happy about it. :)

Also, thank you for the compliment. I think this is going to turn into another post entirely now. heh

UnCruel said...

For some reason, "the one that got away" makes me think of Sweeney Todd.

It just means that you're awesome, and until you find someone equally awesome, you're going to leave a trail of disappointed babes in your wake. Don't sweat it. It's not like you intentionally set people up for disappointment.