Saturday, August 14, 2010

hello again

It's been so long since I've written that this feels like that first trip on a bike after years of not riding. I know what to do, how to do it, but nothing quite fits.
It feels clumsy.
I've lost my grace.

Oh let's be honest here...I never had any grace when it comes to writing. Not really. Those who know me will tell you that what comes out here is very rarely considered before it is added to the page. Thoughts flow from graymatter to fingertip at 78wpm. I took a test the other day...that's not just a random guess.
But yes...what you read is not far removed from what you'd hear should you be standing in front of me. I do enjoy the occasional verbal game. It is fun to stretch my brain and test these skills...but mostly...
Mostly you get these phrases in their original form.
It's better that way.
As well, I'm far less likely to censor myself if I refrain from thinking it all out.
I think that's what happened. Part of the reason I disappeared. I was thinking too hard about what I might say.
What I should say.

So I said nothing at all.

I'm learning. Still learning after all these years and I'm so happy to know this, to realize how far I've come and how far I've yet to go. I'm proud of the man I am...that's not boasting or bragging, just a fact.

I am proud of the man I am.

I have flaws...certainly.
I probably use "..." far too much when I write, heh.
Just think of them as pauses, because that's where I'd breathe or think or,
*shrugging of shoulders*
You get the picture.

I'm back though.

I'm back.
I've deleted all of the old entries for now. They'll be reposted over time along with entries from the old site. That one with all of the amazing folks where I found this blogging phenomena for the first time.
There is happiness in that thought, and you can't see the way the corners of my mouth turned up into a grin just thinking about them...but there you have it.

I'm still that same guy I was a few months ago.
Obsessed with making things using his own two hands. So focused on the relationships around him and what we all get from them. Still trying to figure out how the written word so affects his fellow man, or get my drift.
But making his way, day by day, and happy to be here, you can see it from ear to ear.

-like a cheshire cat


Amanda said...

Glad you're back! I"ve missed your words!

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