Tuesday, May 31, 2011

must be 18 to enter

It was a very full weekend, very full indeed.
3 days off and a holiday to boot. Excellent!

Friday I worked a night shift.
Saturday, I saw Hangover Part 2. If you liked the first one, see the second one. Yes it is an almost identical plot in the most basic sense, but it’s still hilarious. I’m way behind on the reviews…you’ll be seeing a lot of them over the next two weeks.

Anyway, the real highlight of the film wasn’t the movie, it was the fact that I managed to refrain from choking the hell out of the woman next to me.
Out of control, I know…but allow me to set the scene.

Saturday afternoon on Memorial Day weekend for a relatively popular release…I manage to walk into the theatre right as the previews start...it’s obviously packed. As a result, my seat choice was limited so I picked something on the first row up the stairs. Not as far back as I would have liked, but not front row either. With it as full as it is I moved all the way in and left two seats open on the end of the row. Two or three previews in a woman came and sat down right next to me.
Not rude or a problem right? Nothing really wrong here…why are you so angry Sub? This is what you are asking yes?
You see, her daughter was sitting on the other side of her.
Still confused yes? Not sure why I’d be so angry about a mother and daughter sitting down next to me at an R rated movie. I get it. I do…so I’ll add the final bit of information that should explain everything.
Her daughter was maybe six or seven years old.


I was livid. I really was. It was all I could do not to cuss her sorry ass out of the theatre. Who the hell brings a seven year old to a rated R movie that we all know will be chock full of nudity and foul language.
Perhaps she didn’t realize? Sure…lets give her the benefit of the doubt. Except that, should she have been confused, you’d expect that this poor mother would have been shocked, and immediately left the theatre the first time there was excessive cussing or a naked cock was shown on the screen.
You know…the responsible thing.
Instead, this woman was just laughing and laughing. Yay for horribly scarring your daughter you crazy bitch.

Still mad. Yes, I am.

It isn’t as if Kung Fu Panda 2 didn’t come out the same weekend. There were other far more appropriate options.
Anyway, I kept my mouth shut and didn’t cause a scene. Mostly because I don’t know her and it’s not my business if she wants to be a terrible parent. Had she been family or a friend I’d have torn them a new one.
So yes…excitement of the wrong sort but excitement nonetheless.

Saturday night we got the band back together, and Sunday afternoon was spent at a family lunch with my Uncle and cousins.

Sunday night I hit TQLA in the Washington Corridor area downtown. D-frickin-licious. I had a crawfish spinach enchilada with mushroom sauce and goat cheese. Go eat there. It was awesome. My date loved her meal too. Good times.
Speaking of dates. We had a lot of fun. The conversation was excellent and I’m really comfortable with her. I don’t think we’ll be anything more than make out partners…but I’ve said for a long time that people don’t make out enough…so we can do our small part to fix that. Heh

Then yesterday was dinner with the family. Dad made ribs and brought potato salad, while I provided eggplant, asparagus, and a roasted potato and carrot dish. I have a picture of it, I’ll try and throw that in here tomorrow. Everything was fantastic.
Dad and I finished the evening with rootbeer/whiskey floats.

That is all. I think you have enough to read for today. Go try a rootbeer/whiskey float. Just a little less than a shot of whiskey is enough to provide a pleasant kick without overpowering the rootbeer or ice cream.
Do it.

-fun for all ages

Friday, May 27, 2011

searching for joy

Work is quiet and I’m trying to develop the writing habit again. Let’s see how this goes. The first few hours of the day are an excellent opportunity, as I’m not supposed to be on the net during the workaday 9 to 5 hours…but after is apparently acceptable? Well…assuming that it is quiet and all of upper management is gone for the day.
Anyway, so when it is quiet during the first few hours I’m left twiddling my thumbs…or writing an email, which is what this looks like at the moment.

I’ve decided that I can’t worry or focus on the relationship stuff. Certainly it will be in my mind, and I’ll be dating still…when I can…but it seems that’s most of what I’ve been focusing on lately and that is getting me nowhere.
So, no more stressing, and no more drama. Okay, I’m sure there will be some drama, but we are keeping it to a minimum.

Instead, I’m going to focus on my future, on making decisions and doing what I need to do to be happy.

I want a farm.

No that’s not a joke or a typo. I’m going to be a farmer.
Ever since I moved back to Texas I’ve been drawn to handmade projects. More than anything those involving food. I want to be independent and capable of taking care of myself. Knowing where my food comes from is very important to me. When I make bread, butter, jam…whatever…there is a joy there that is undeniable. It’s silly…I’m well aware, but that joy is what I want every day. Certainly, there will be rough days and hardships. Sometimes everything will go wrong, and I’m okay with that. Because I want all of the good that comes with this decision too.
You can’t possibly understand how happy it made me when Converse called last year asking for advice on how to make jam. Or when Monkey calls asking about a certain dish, because I’m her other amateur chef and she’s hoping I can provide insight.
Maybe if you had seen the smile on my face as I stood in a bedroom doorway watching a young woman dance absentmindedly as she cooked an alfredo sauce for herself…something I taught her…

That same happiness hits me every time I crack open a bottle of cider or beer. It was the same as a group of friends stood around tasting the cheese I made. I can’t wait to delve into the world of charcuterie…of home smoked bacon and cure pancetta…lardo….
Oh man…lardo…

Because here’s the thing…I’m getting excited just writing about this. I’m not going to get rich or famous…but I’m pretty certain that I’ll be over the moon with joy every day. Because this is what makes me happy…so it’s what I need to do.

So yes…a farm.
Some day soon.

-joy in every bite

Friday, May 20, 2011

not so alone afterall

Again...I've been inspired to write.

There was some confusion in my last post, SweetD isn't all that crazy...but I wasn't very clear. That ramble included a number of different women. One of them is all sorts of crazy and shares SweetD's thought that I'm the one who got away. Those of you who've been around a while know exactly who I'm referring to.

Now, the comment that led to this also included a lovely compliment that I very much appreciate.
Here's the thing...I feel pretty damned confident most of the time. I'm in this weird spot where it seems like I can do just about anything I want to, and get just about any woman I set my sights on.
Well, within reason mind you.
But yes, I have moments where I feel like a complete badass...perhaps I'm getting a bit too cocky?
The point is...even while I feel that, there's this nagging doubt that I've fucked it up and I'm going to end up alone. Now...I know that isn't true...that I'll always have family and I am lucky enough to have some very true friends. But unless Lungclam has decided he'd be willing to get naked for me occasionally and spoon maybe once a week or so...I'm not going to have anyone to share my bed with.
Hahaha...that's so dirty.
But yes...alone...not quite alone really...but no one to share my bed with, and I'm a cuddler, I kinda require a sexy warm body in my bed.

Having said that...Anonymous..."Relish the opportunity to experience something new."
That's beautiful. I'll keep it in mind as I move forward. I'll also try and make more opportunities.
For example, I didn't talk about it, but I was a total nerd last weekend. I shot that rocket with the homemade motor mount Saturday morning.
Worked like a charm.
A serious charm.
In fact, it was so good that on the second launch it drifted beyond the edge of the sizable field we were using and got stuck in a very tall pine tree.
The sister felt terrible because she was the one that packed the rocket and set it all up for the second launch. I promised it wasn't her fault and not to worry. I took up rocketry because it costs like $10 to replace the damned thing. No biggie.
Plus...the homemade motor mount was a success. The point of the whole outing was to watch a rocket shoot up high into the sky. That we did. Twice.Woot!

Then on Sunday I made beer. It's called 90 Shilling, and is a semi dark scottish ale that is currently aging in my closet.

So, wrapping up...I'm a confident, almost cocky, nerd who is doing his best to get out and have new adventures. Thank you for the comments, I'll keep the posts coming.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

so much to say

Its been a long week.
Work is going well, the difference at this place is so...umm...different? Ha.
No really though, it's a world away from what I was dealing with.

Funny how the employees that I speak with on a regular basis are all very professional and polite instead of rude and angry. You wouldn't think that two groups of people in the same profession could handle themselves so differently.
No, maybe you can, but I didn't. I hadn't a clue. That's probably why it strikes me like it does. It honestly blows me away how much different these folks are. Really goes to show how much impact can be made by fostering a professional environment and holding folks accountable for their actions.

SweetD and I have been talking. I'm not sure where that is taking us. Apparently there were some miscommunications that lead to our breakup. Some very crazy assumptions were made on her end...well...maybe not crazy, I can see her logic...just can't believe she assumed some of these things without questioning why I'd be THAT much of a dick.
Because I'm not...and I wasn't...and well...those assumptions are how we got to the end of our rope.

That still doesn't put us back together, but this new information means that perhaps our paths weren't as far apart as I previously thought. Maybe I'm just grasping at straws because I'm still afraid of being alone.
I know she feels that way...she called me "the one that got away"
I hate being called that.
No, I don't...I just don't like it.
No, I do...in one case...because she's crazy and I definitely got away and she knows it...which makes me happy every time I think about it.
Boys...don't stick your dick in crazy.
That's solid advice by the way...words to live by. I'm not even joking.

Back to that phrase though...why do I have to be the one that got away? Why can't I just be some other guy that you had a great time with for a while and then our paths separated? Why is it such a sad thing?
Okay...crazy can be sad...but the rest of you?
Seems I'm just spouting off now but there you have it. The topic du jour.

My Uncle is in Paris...seems he is having a fantastic time...I'm a little bit jealous.

Also, littlesub is having issues...so is his mom...don't know what is going on but I can't seem to reach her either...so yeah. Good times.

Okay, I'm out. Back soon I think. We'll see.

-getting away

Monday, May 09, 2011

surgery anyone?

Thank you both for the comments on the last entry.

I agree that hate breeds hate. To take it another step, anger breeds anger, love breeds love.
Also, killing them with kindness never literally works...though it is a nice strategy to employ from time to time.
That guy cutting off people left and right with no signal or regard for those around him is ruining the day for his fellow drivers...and to a lesser extent he is ruining the days of those around them. That cycle will rage on, every person a pebble in a pond with angry ripples emanating from the center.

War is a much larger, violent, extreme version of that analogy. The countless dead and injured, their surviving families...whole regions of the world torn apart.
The ripples much larger,
Time to heal far greater...

I may still believe there is sometimes no other alternative...but I'm starting to wonder how you end them once begun.

Are we spreading democracy in those regions? It certainly seems we are.
Is that our place? In my opinion no. This is just the new "White Man's Burden". The players are different...now not a race issue, but possibly first nation status? And our "responsibility" to teach other nations to emulate us because we are so amazingly awesome.
If Dj is reading this he just started a mental list of all the horrible things going wrong in our two respective countries. War not withstanding.

I was one of the ones who said it was okay to go to war to prevent the deaths of countless thousands of our countrymen. Never mind that those reasons have turned out false...we can argue the problems of political posturing and grandstanding and I can easily point out how decisions made long ago painted a number of people into corners where the only option was continue down a poor path or lose respect internationally.
I digress.

I do believe that we have the right to defend ourselves...even against a potential threat that has made it very clear they wish us harm and have the means to accomplish that task.
But what cost is reasonable in that defense?
This is where I've lost my bearing.

The surgical strike on Osama's compound is a perfect counterpoint to the ongoing wars actually. One recognized a threat and nullified it with minimal physical impact to the surrounding buildings, family, and even nation.
The others...well...do a google search or two...plenty of evidence from a ten year old war to see how badly we've damaged an entire country.

Of course...even the surgical strike isn't perfect. Is it murder? Was his death necessary? What about the political and social ramifications of sneaking into another country to attack a building and kill people we deem a threat to our security?
Man...you put Osama's name on it and everyone accepts it...but if you placed that description anywhere else there'd be an uproar.

Lots to think about...but it's all still bouncing around. Feel free to continue the conversation...

-not a surgeon

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

news from perry

Perry Farrell told me that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Perry Farrell.
The lead singer of a popular band conveyed news to me that seems to be of such amazing import.
But I'm not sure how to take it, and I'm not sure how important it really is.
Osama is dead.
Certainly, I won't argue that the world is now so much worse without him in it, that he was some bright light that will be sorely missed.
No. Not that.
But better?
To say that the world is now vastly improved by his removal from it...
I'm not sure that can be said.

Bear with me here...this is still being sorted out...bouncing around my head for two days and it still hasn't found rest.

But a better place?
Everyone cheered at the news. Ten thousand human voices shouting in jubilation at the news of his death.
Just writing that seems so macabre, and I'm still not sure how I feel.
Mostly though, it's not this single loss of life that upsets me but the overwhelming joy that seems to have come from us as a result.
Joy may be too strong a word.
It is...too strong...but I'm not sure what word is proper here.
There is no doubt that many found the news of his death to be cathartic, as if a switch had been flipped. Relief and whatnot pouring forth.
But that is so misplaced...we are still at war...one death isn't going to change that. I mean, there are so many deaths every day, on both sides, and yet we still fight.
I have the sad feeling that many in those countries would argue that their main reason for fighting is the same one that was given by so many Confederate soldiers in the Civil War..."You're here aren't ya?"

Man it's so weird to sit on the side of a group that doesn't want war...that doesn't want to fight. But I have no desire to pick a fight, to continue it, I just want to protect those I love and care for...
And I'm pretty sure that everyone on the planet has figured out that it's a bad idea to fuck with America...so can we just stop?
Just stop.

Probably not. It's never that simple.
These are all randoms...strands that have been floating around, as mentioned, for the past 48 hours. Please don't jump down my throat...but feel free to comment even if you disagree.