Tuesday, October 26, 2010

weekend update

Friday night was a dinner party here in the Woodlands followed by boys night out downtown. We hit Big Top and had a few drinks.
Stories were told.
"in the hall?!" heh

Anyway, yes...and it was decided that once a year we should have a no holds barred bachanal. The sort of suare(sp?) where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are going to get wastedface. Because...well...that's the reason for this party. One time a year when everyone can say screw it and really truly let loose. Plans are still murky though, so we'll have to see.

Saturday morning we woke up earlier than normal and headed to Austin to play with Monkey and some of her friends. Good times.
Good times.
I'm not telling all of my secrets but please, let's all agree that when someone of the opposite sex is very obviously attracted to you...it feels damned good.
Yes it does.

Also, I love hanging out with Monkey and her husband is a pretty cool cat too. I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

Then the sis and I drove home late at night, had a run-in with a pair of punks, and yours truly wanted ohsoverymuch to just pull over and beat the everloving daylights out of both of them.
The sister wouldn't let me...said I needed to just keep going...that we had no idea if they had a gun or knives or other such weapons.
I let her win the argument.
Lets be honest...if I insisted and she turned out to be right...I'd be dead or in a hospital...I don't like that kind of risk/reward system. It is no bueno.
Also, I've been saying that a lot lately.
No bueno.
It's fun...but then not so much...because..well...I wouldn't say it for a good thing right?

Oh...and SweetD's car blew up. Not literally. But yes...blew up. Almost 2grand to fix.
No bueno.
See what I mean?

But life is good otherwise. I very much enjoyed the trip to see Monkey and crew, boys night out was tons of fun, and I even had time for a movie this week.
Expect something on soap, a rocket update, and possible cider brewing soon.

Yay for making and doing! Woot!

-livin' la vida loca


Abberatia said...


sublimenigma said...

Thank you! I couldn't get a mental image of it to save my life.